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like millions of other professionals who use europages every month

europages at a glance

International Data Base

Data base of approximately 2 600 000 companies mainly from european countries

Translation network
Translation network

A network of over 100 professional translators located around the world and a structured process based on Computer Assisted Translation and translation memories

Search engine
Multilingual search engine

Data base of approximately 2 600 000 companies mainly from european countries

Content management
Content management

Tools for content creation and management in multiple languages through custom back offices

Open taxonomy
Open taxonomy

Our 26 business sectors are organised in 4500 headings and over 90 000 keywords describing the products and services proposed on europages

Business intelligence
Business intelligence

5 terabytes of data combined, processed and delivered to customers and sales people

What is europages?

BtoB marketing services - BtoB trade platform - 2.6 million-company database - International Business network - Permanent trade show - Sourcing tool - Professional database - Expertise gallery - Classified industrial companies - Import Export Marketplace - Business lead generator - Suppliers list

Who is it for?

Business people - SMEs - Procurement managers - Industrial companies - Export professionals - Distributors - Purchasing managers - Manufacturers - Decision makers

How can we benefit from it?

B2B e-marketing services - New sales leads - Business partners abroad - Showroom for your activity - European business network - Online Marketing solutions - Business opportunities - New customers - Free business contacts - Visibility for your company - More information about europages