TherapyAir® iOn

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Humans on average breathe over 11,000 litres of air each day. We spend 90 per cent of our time indoors; be it in our homes, places of work, schools, or health and fitness centres, where the levels of pollutants and allergens can be 100 times higher than already dangerously polluted outdoor air. Breathing polluted air makes us sick and is a root cause of many fatal diseases. TherapyAir iOn is a sophisticated and highly effective air purification and ionization system that removes 99.99% of airborne particulates. Purified 99.99% therapy air free from viruses, bacteria and toxic substances is a must have in every indoor space for well-health and is the only real and healthy investment for homes, offices, schools and kindergartens, sport and recreation centers, hospitality retreats – all indoor spaces. Therapy Air was voted best high-end air purifier on the market by independent Experten Testen (Germany 2016 and 2020).


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8832 Wollerau - Switzerland
